Sonny Austin Ramdeo, former founder of EZ Jet airlines.

News Americas, West Palm Beach, FL, Thurs. Sept. 4, 2014: The former chief executive of an airline that flew the New York/Guyana route in 2011, is set to be sentenced this November.

Sonny Austin Ramdeo, former founder of EZ Jet airlines, is set to be sentenced on November 14th at 9 AM in West Palm Beach before Judge Kenneth A. Marra.

Ramdeo recently copped a plea, admitting that he is guilty of wire fraud and money-laundering in connection with stealing some $20M starting in 2005 while working for Promise Healthcare.

Much of the money went to bankroll the charter jet company he founded that provided service from New York’s JKF Airport to the Cheddi Jagan Airport in Guyana. When confronted by company auditors in October 2012, he fled to New York where he was arrested.

Ramdeo admitted that he used several million dollars without authorization from his former employer to fund his fledgling airline business which landed in the Guyana market with excitingly low fares at the time.

He is hoping for a reduced sentence.

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