FBI and other law enforcement officials inspect the crime scene after a shooting during a practice for the Republican congressional baseball game at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park June 14, 2017 in Alexandria, Virginia. (Photo credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

By Felicia J. Persaud

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, June 23, 2017:  My granny always told me to be grateful for small things; and in the past 150 plus days of this current administration, my gratitude for the minute has greatly expanded.

It’s stretched to thanking God every time a major crime is committed and it’s not an immigrant or a Muslim who committed the act. That was again the case on Wednesday morning, June 14th, shortly after news broke of a shooting at a congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

As the headline flashed across my phone, I silently prayed that the shooter was not an immigrant or a Muslim before I even clicked the linked. Then after I read the story, I thanked the higher power again that it was not anyone from the immigrant or Muslim communities.

Because if it was, I cannot imagine the response would be as tempered from the right as it has been. Let’s face it, any violence, regardless of who commits it is heinous. No human being made life and no human has the right to take a life or attempt to.

But the obvious disparity in which this attack is being dealt with versus if it was committed by an immigrant or Muslim, boggles my mind and smacks again of the hypocrisy that is politics in America.

This to my mind was a domestic terror incident, as it a pre-meditated act by one gun totting American meant to create terror, harm and kill a number of lawmakers and aides.

But no siree! No mention of terror here. That word is only reserved if an attacker is immigrant or Muslim it seems.


There is no doubt in my mind that the incident would have been instantly classified as a terrorist attack if it was determined the shooter was Muslim or a horrendous premeditated attempt to murder and main if it was an immigrant and worse yet – an undocumented immigrant.

Of course that would have instantly given Donald Trump and his cohorts’ further ammunition to spread falsehoods about the number of murders and barbaric criminal acts being committed by immigrants and the terror being reigned down by Islamic terrorists on God fearing, law abiding Americans.

The barrage and analysts would have been continuous from the right and the call to deport all immigrants, beyond the ramped up measures currently being executed daily by the administration, would have reached fever pitch.

I can imagine the new DHS VOICE office, would have been flooded with calls reporting anyone who even looked like an immigrant and urging they be arrested and sent back where they came from.

Trump would not have only cancelled DACA for the parents of undocumented youth, but he would have cancelled the entire program and tweeted endlessly about how right he was all along and how the court needs to urgently allow his travel ban to become law.

And the right wing would have squawked endlessly about how “illegals” should have no right to the second constitution because that right is only reserved for “Americans.”

But thankfully it was no immigrant or Muslim and so the incident was quickly touted as one where all Americans needed to come together, ratchet down the heated political narrative on both sides and oh yeah – maybe we need looser gun laws so everyone can arm themselves and walk around like the Wild, Wild West.

In other words – another day in the hypocritical cesspool in the “Patriotic America” – sans immigrants and Muslims!

felicia-j-persaud-hard-beat-altThe writer is CMO at Hard Beat Communications, Inc. which owns the brands: NewsAmericasNow, CaribPRWire and InvestCaribbeanNow.




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