Guyana’s 8th President David Arthur Granger being escorted into the Parliament Buildings on May 16, 2015. (Facebook image)
Guyana’s new President David Arthur Granger arriving for his swearing in on May 16, 2015. (Facebook image)

News Americas, GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Sat. May 16, 2015: Five days after Guyanese voters went to the polls to elect a new government, Guyana’s eighth executive president was sworn in at 2:19 p.m. at Parliament Building in Georgetown, Guyana.

Chief Justice Carl Singh administered the oath of office to David Arthur Granger about an hour after the Guyana Election Commission (GECOM) officially declared the A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) coalition, the winner of the 2015 election.

The GECOM officially declared that the APNU+AFC, which ran under the banner ‘It’s Is time,” clinched 207,200 votes compared to the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic 202,694. APNU+AFC won Region Four by a large margin as well as Regions 7, 8 and 10. The PPP/C won the six other regions. Granger was then declared president-elect at 1.30 pm by Chairman of the highly criticized GECOM, Dr Steve Surujbally, at its Kingston headquarters.

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Thousands, frustrated by days of waiting for the official election results, then gathered in the area outside of the Parliament building to celebrate the new head of state and a new era in Guyana. The country for the first time in its independent history will be served by a coalition government of “national unity.”

After taking the oath, Granger, who will become the newest member of the Caribbean Community, CARICOM, insisted that he will be “president of all of the people” of Guyana, a clear reference to the racial divide that exists in the South American nation.

He also announced that the outgoing and incoming administration have agreed to establish a transition team to work together towards a smooth transition of governance of Guyana and extended a hand of friendship to former president Donald Ramotar and members of the losing Peoples Progressive Party/Civic “to join this movement of national unity.”

“This is the year of democratic renewal,” Granger said. “Let us rejoice in the peoples choice and embrace each other regardless of race and class.  Let us work together to realize our national motto one people one nation one destiny.”

Thousands of Guyanese showed up to celebrate the May 11, 2015 election win by the APNU-AFC coalition.

He then urged all gathered to hold the hand of the person next to them and sing together the national song: “Let us cooperate for Guyana, let us cooperate for our land. Let us resolve to fight together. See we do it right together Can we do it? Yes we can!”

President Granger also announced that AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo will be appointed prime minister officially as soon as he is sworn in as Member Of Parliament in the 11th Parliament while Joseph Harmon will serve currently as temporary head of the Guyana presidential secretariat.

A formal inauguration is set for the Guyana National Stadium on Independence Day, May 26, 2015.

The country’s 11th parliament will see the APNU+AFC coalition holding 33 seats while the outgoing Peoples Progressive Party/Civic will hold 32 seats.

OAS Secretary General Congratulates New President of Guyana

On Saturday, the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, congratulated President  Granger.

The OAS also recognized the efforts undertaken by GECOM to ensure that the electoral process was carried out according to established law and reiterated its compliments to the people of Guyana for their extraordinary civic commitment show throughout the electoral process.






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