Donald Trump (C), House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) (L) and Vice President Mike Pence walk down the House east front steps after the annual Friends of Ireland luncheon at the Capitol March 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

By NAN Editorial Team

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Mar. 17, 2017: Donald Trump released his first “budget blueprint” Thursday morning, providing the clearest glimpse yet at his administration’s war on the so-called “administrative state.” He once again proved his administration cares nothing about the Americas – Latin America or the Caribbean – or the world for that matter. Here are a few big F-U’s from Trump that will see drastic cuts if this budget ever gets green lighted.

1: Cuts to fighting drug trafficking in Latin America & the Caribbean

The administration’s budget proposal calls for some US $1.3 billion in cuts to the US Coast Guard to eliminate its top counter-terrorism unit, the Maritime Security Response Team, and all of its regional Maritime Safety and Security Teams. This means fewer assets to interdict all suspected smuggling boats and to disrupt drug trafficking at sea in the Caribbean, especially.

2: The Inter-American Foundation

Donald Trump has sliced away US $22 million from The Inter-American Foundation which funds grass-roots groups and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Latin America and the Caribbean.

3: The U.S. Trade and Development Agency

Some $60 million is being cut from the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, which works at promoting U.S. exports in the Americas and the world and works to do things such as improve transportation infrastructure and otherwise facilitate trade in dozens of countries.

4: The Overseas Private Investment Corporation

The Overseas Private Investment Corporation promotes U.S. economic investment in the Americas and other developing nations by working with private partners but its budget of $83 million has been swiped away.

5: The Global Climate Change Initiative

The Global Climate Change Initiative that was aimed at supporting climate change fight globally per the Paris climate agreement has been wiped away.

6: The Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund

Gone in the wind will be the US $70 million that allows the US President to “provide humanitarian assistance for unexpected and urgent refugee and migration needs worldwide.”

7: Cuts To The State Department’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs

There is a 50 percent cut to the U.S. funding for the State Department’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs, which pays U.S. dues to the United Nations, the OAS and other international and regional groups, according to news reports disclosed by Foreign Policy magazine. The United States currently contributes $50 million a year to the OAS budget which will now mean a drastic cut to that organization’s budget.

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