By Felicia J. Persaud

News Americas, MIAMI, FL, Fri. April 13, 2018: Will the real Donald Trump please stand up?

In the past few months, El Trumpeto has gone from insisting that he wants a deal on immigration and DACA to saying no DACA deal what so ever; and he has gone from a campaign of touting his wall to a fence and now to a wall of National Guard troops.

Who can keep up? But one factor seems constant here – its that every time the very miniscule shred of the Democratic DT of the past shows up and gives us all hope that there is some shred of decency and humanity still present in this 239 pounds of clay, Fox News gets into his head and his ear.

Trump, a reportedly avid Trump TV – I mean Fox TV watcher – seems to be basing all of his policies from news reports garnered watching the anti-immigrant, racist, GOP propaganda arm, aka state TV.


Forget aides, advisors, national security reports and inside information a President is privy to. El Trumpeto’s brain, like a porous sponge, is being filled with the likes of Napolitano and Hannity, who cannot get enough of pushing the lies that immigrants are simply poring into the US from the Southern border.

This, even though all of the data shows that illegal entry is down at the Southern border ever since Trump took office and its down across the country. Now a ‘State TV,’ report on an annual Central American immigrant caravan, has resulted in El Trumpeto deciding its time to swing back to the right – far, far right.

And after a week of hardline Tweets, scapegoating immigrants while inviting Russia’s Putin to the White House for a visit, it was off to the border for a bunch of National Guard troops from Texas, as the Department of Homeland Security and border states governors scurried to keep up with the latest impromptu decisions, thanks to the sly Fox!

The reality is that the so-called caravan is not thousands of people but is now down to around 500 people, many of whom are staying in Mexico, trying to seek asylum there. While some undoubtedly would love the opportunity to seek asylum in the US, it is tough to see that happening given the hardline policies already in place.

There are many people on both sides in the US who have no issue closing the borders. But there must be a plan to deal with those hard working, tax paying, morally upright undocumented immigrants this side of the border, many of whom have been here for more than a decade and committed no real crimes.


So far, neither Trump or the GOP has come up with such a plan; at least not one that is practical and makes sense beyond the rounding up and widespread deportation of immigrants with minor infractions like DUIs.

The xenophobic agenda is setting the GOP, aka, Humpty Dumpty,’ up for a mighty fall this November. Trump and Jeff Session’s continued hardline policy, including the recent memo on April 6th to end the so-called “catch and release” policy, in which undocumented immigrants will no longer be released from detention while awaiting a court hearing on their status, is the latest nail in their coffin.

‘Humpty Dumpty’ will fall hard, and not DT, Sessions, State TV, ‘the base,’ and all the troops on the US border will be able to put them back together again.


The writer is CMO at Hard Beat Communications, Inc. which owns the brands: NewsAmericasNow, CaribPRWire and InvestCaribbeanNow.


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