News Americas, LONDON, England, Weds. Feb. 28, 2018: A British man is blaming Rihanna’s song, ‘Love On The Brain,’ for trying to kill his new bride with a machete.

David Wing, 56, a teacher in South Wales, is accused of bludgeoning his newlywed wife, Yvonne Wing, with a machete after she taunted him about an alleged affair with a neighbor by repeatedly playing the Rihanna song in their home in Porth, South Wales.

Wing hit his wife with the blade and threw paint over her after she said she was leaving him for her younger lover, Don Watkins, 37, the Daily Mail reported.

Wing said he was ‘devastated’ and ‘heartbroken’ after learning of his wife’s affair. He said he was particularly upset that his wife asked him to complete extensive redecoration of their home – when all along she planned to throw him out and move her lover in.

“I heard the Rihanna song ‘Love on the Brain,’” Wing reportedly told a Cardiff Crown Court. “She rewound it again and again. I could hear her laughing. She did it about half a dozen times. I couldn’t understand why she had to be so hurtful. I hadn’t done anything to her. I was hurt and upset. I started to cry.”

He claimed he only struck his wife with the machete after she taunted him and attacked him. Wing said his wife chased him up their stairs and pulled him down by his ankles before straddling him and punching him in the head.

Wing said “she had her left hand around my throat” and said ‘you’re such a f***ing p****,’ and punched me to the side of my head.”

Wing bludgeoned his wife around the head with the blade leaving her with a gashed forehead and fractured skull, the court was told.

David and Yvonne Wing in happier times. (Wales News Service image)

Prosecutor James Wilson said the couple had been married for a year before moving from London to Porth to work in a school. He said Mr. Wing learnt that his wife had sex with a local man called Don but only got upset after he realized the two were in an emotional relationship and it was not simply sex.

“He had a problem with this and began checking her Facebook and realized a relationship was beginning between them. He couldn’t accept this and the matter came to a head with him attacking her with a machete,” Wilson told the court.

Earlier in the trial, the court heard from defense attorney Stephen Thomas, how Mrs. Wing provoked her husband by rewinding the Rihanna song to the song’s explicit verse.

“You kept on replaying the part of the song ‘but it f**** me so good’ And I can’t get enough’ and you started to laugh. You specifically chose that song,” Thomas asked Mrs. Wing.

She admitted playing the song on repeat but denied she rewound it to repeat the particular verse.

Wing has admitted one count of causing grievously body harm with intent but denies attempted murder. The trial continues.

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