News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2019: Here are the top news making headlines from the Caribbean, Latin America and their Diasporas for this Wednesday morning July 10, 2019:

A Venezuelan woman seeking a job at a roti shop in Trinidad was instead turned into a sex slave for two days by a man and his girlfriend.

The UK government has updated it travel advisory on Jamaica, warning its nationals of particularly high crime in and around certain areas of Kingston and Montego Bay.

Ramesh Dusoruth, the owner of a Bermudian-based international life insurance company wanted for misuse of investors’ money, has been nabbed in Holland.

A Guyanese owned local food-flavoring plant in Washingtonville in upstate New York is expanding after raking in revenue of over USD 68 million annually.

The families of a Westchester women who died in the DR following six plastic surgery operations in one day, want Dr. Felix Almanzar to face criminal charges.

A Filipino man in the Cayman Islands has been convicted of raping his ex-girlfriend’s best friend and will have to spend the next eight years in jail.

Authorities in Belize are investigating the drowning death of American tourist Gemma Paybarah.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said he is “optimistic” as talks between the government and the opposition to resolve the country’s political crisis resumed this week in Barbados.

Former Argentine President Fernando de la Rúa, who quit office amid violent discontent in 2001, has died in Buenos Aires at the age of 81.

Some are questioning whether Caribbean born star Rihanna’s East meet West covershots for Harper Bazaar can be considered cultural appropriation.

And a good-fortune message in a bottle tossed overboard last year by a Massachusetts couple sailing in Martinique has been found thousands of miles away on a Texas beach.

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