News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Jan 10, 2020: A Rio de Janeiro court has ordered Netflix to take down a film that features Jesus Christ as a gay man but so far Brazilian subscribers still have access to the film – at least as of Thursday.

‘The First Temptation of Christ’ a satirical depiction of Jesus Christ as a 30-year-old gay man, was ordered removed from the streaming platform after Judge Benedicto Abicair ruled that the “The right to freedom of expression…is not absolute” and critics called the film blasphemous.

The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed by a Brazilian Catholic organization urging that The First Temptation be removed from the streaming platform.

Netflix says it has gone ahead and filed a complaint before Brazil’s Supreme Court based on the right to freedom of expression even as the film’s producer, the Rio-based comedy group Porto dos Fundos, said it had received no court notification.

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