News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. Sept. 2, 2020: As a marijuana grower, the first thing you should know is that the plants outdoors do not require the same light cycle manipulation compared to indoor plants. The sun’s natural cycles cause this shift as time passes. However, it is possible to use supplemental lighting to extend the light cycle and manipulate the growth of all cannabis and marijuana.

If you are growing marijuana or other plants in a greenhouse, follow these tips from i49 that you will find below.  Learning about the impact of light and its effect on the growth cycle can be greatly beneficial for anyone growing cannabis.

The Necessity of Light

We all know that light is needed for photosynthesis. If marijuana plants do not receive light, growth is sub-optimal. When installing supplemental lighting, there are several options growers can use, depending on their preferences and needs.

Today, there are four main categories of lamps growers can use for horticultural settings: LED, HID, fluorescent, and incandescent. It is also important to pay special attention to the placement of the light in a greenhouse. Lights in a greenhouse need to be placed farther apart than other indoor settings because light will also be received from the sun. Usually, in a greenhouse set up, growers are recommended to utilize about a third to a half of the lights used in other indoor settings.


Incandescent bulbs are not considered the most efficient option when it comes to growing cannabis plants. However, they are used by many growers to help break the dark of night into sections and create longer periods of light. The bulbs offer light through the heating of the internal filament. Incandescent bulbs are affordable and can be cycled. They feature a good source of radiant power and emit a wider spectrum of light wavelengths.


Another light option for the growers is a fluorescent lamp. These are efficient and last a while. The fluorescent bulbs do not produce as much heat, which reduces the likelihood of overheating. The lamps can be purchased in several forms, including very-high output, high output, and normal output. These are ideal lighting options for growers that have smaller greenhouses spaces and these bulbs can be put closer to plants without harming or burning them. Fluorescent lights offer higher radiant power within the range of 500 to 600 nm.

High-Intensity Discharge

The most common types of high-intensity discharge lights for growers include high-pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps. Metal halide lamps offer a good spectrum of light, but they are not as efficient as some other options. High-pressure sodium lamps are the most common option used for growing purposes. With these lamps, it is possible to find an array of specifications to meet the individualized needs of the growers. High-pressure sodium lamps are also considered an extremely efficient option.


Light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, are popular for growing cannabis. LED lamps are well-known for energy efficiency and are a great option for growers who want to keep overhead costs lower. Quality LED lamps are also ideal for providing light coverage, which provides an even light distribution over the plants. LED lights provide a full spectrum of light wavelengths, making them a good option for times when the sun is not shining.

Greenhouse Marijuana Growing Tips

When you are growing cannabis in a greenhouse, it is essential to have the right lighting setup. As discussed above, there are many options for greenhouse lighting. Keep this in mind to get the desired results and ensure that the plants have the best chance of growing successfully. Having the best lighting will help ensure the desired results are achieved.

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