News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Jan. 18, 2013: Please don’t hit me with the same refrain “everybody does it.”
DA! That has been my point for 103 episodes so far Obama is just like all the others!
And so the four-day long Inaugural Shin Ding begins Friday in D.C. and culminates in glitzy Inaugural Balls on Monday night. Barack & Michelle will be center stage throughout, sucking it all in and all the Right People will be there. No not you – or maybe they do read my series – but most of you will not be there and not only because you can’t afford the money or the time. The celebration is for the Democratic Elite and their corporate sponsors who are footing much of the extravagant bill. Not that you and I aren’t paying a pile for this excess of conceit and greed with your tax dollars to ‘feed’ the Elite.
Go ahead again, Obama is not doing anything with his Inaugural all the recent past Presidents haven’t. DA! How many times must I say it that is the point? Obama is a regular guy by rich powerful Washington standards he and Michelle fit in fine very, very fine.
Sorry they are not like the rest of us, no matter the color of their skin. They always were and are among those who see themselves as the special class of insiders which passes for “rulers” in our society where it is not quite as bad as in many other countries where the rulers know no bounds at all. We at least still have hope. Did I say hope???
Isn’t that ironic right now four years AFTER Obama got elected promising hope and change he never delivered. And his excuse he did as much as he could. Yes that is the argument of the Con Man who suckers you in with inflated promises he makes you believe then convinces you he is not to blame when you don’t get what you expect.
Back to this Inaugural …
Those crumbs on the table in the illustration above they symbolize what we get but they have some positive meaning too what Barack and Michelle can’t hide from this is NOT 2009 and the Inauguration following Obama’s first “historic” election.
There was euphoria across the land – and misplaced fear among the right wing whacko – euphoria that peaked not on Election night but it built even higher as his Inauguration approached on January 20, 2009. That would be the day when the dream became real. Never in memory never in the history of U.S. Presidents did s many pack themselves into Washington, DC to be there and never across America do so many gather in large and small groups to witness the Inauguration of a President of the United States. Waiting, waiting, waiting joyfully because Obama was the one who was going to deliver a new a better America and bring us all together while doing so. Everything and anything was possible with Barack Obama as President he told us so himself and we giddily gave him our votes. He rode the wave to the very unexpected election of a Black Man as President.
Well call this 2nd Inaugural The Great Awakening (sic ) ….
It’s back to normal for this Inaugural Americans are not flooding into Washington, DC from all over just to be there. All across America gatherings are NOT being planned to watch this Second Inaugural. The airwave are NOT filled with endless tributes to the new President. This year as usual for Inaugurals the Washington Elite will fill all those VIP events and those standing in the streets and along the parade route will be far smaller than the crowds four years ago and mostly made up of the thousands and thousands of Washington bureaucrats for whom Inaugural Day is a extra day off with pay in DC.
I was going to make this “inaugural episode” so much longer. Dig into the rich menu on very special china for the Inaugural Lunch following the ceremony, detail all the VIP events, the lavishness of the Balls, list all the many big corporate sponsors, put a price tag on all this and more for the entire 4 day extravaganza.
But why bother. I’ve got better things to do. I’ve already made the all important point.
This is a typical Inauguration. And Barack Obama is very typical U.S. President.
Got it! What more needs to be said.
My advise get on your knees on Inauguration Day and PRAY …
For something better on January 20, 2017!
About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.