What do you see here Barack?

By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Mar. 18, 2016: One more BAD decision by President Obama.

SURPRISE!, neither is it unexpected.

Choosing another White guy to nominate to the Supremes.

Welcome to Barack Obama’s world.

I have to try and resist complimenting Obama’s America for reporting the Truth that you will not find anywhere else. But it is True! This week’s episode proves it again and very, very well.

So President Obama this week nominated Judge Merrick Garland to serve on the Supreme Court. Everywhere else the response has been good choice President Obama, or no response at all from Republicans.

Both are WRONG. As you will only learn here!

Let me be generous and give President Obama the stage before I bash him here.

Here is part of his Thorny Rose Garden statement Wednesday …

“Of the many powers and responsibilities that the Constitution vests in the presidency, few are more consequential than appointing a Supreme Court justice — particularly one to succeed Justice Scalia, one of the most influential jurists of our time.”

( Ls that so?)

“The men and women who sit on the Supreme Court are the final arbiters of American law.  They safeguard our rights.  They ensure that our system is one of laws and not men.  They’re charged with the essential task of applying principles put to paper more than two centuries ago to some of the most challenging questions of our time.”

(Keep pouring it on Obama … you are digging yourself a big hole here)

“The men and women who sit on the Supreme Court are the final arbiters of American law.  They safeguard our rights.  They ensure that our system is one of laws and not men.  They’re charged with the essential task of applying principles put to paper more than two centuries ago to some of the most challenging questions of our time.”

(Bla, bla, bla, how much do you pay your speech writers for this stuff?)

Here comes the PUNCH line POW .,.

“Today, I am nominating Chief Judge Merrick Brian Garland to join the Supreme Court.”

How IMAGINATIVE President Obama? For the Supremes …

Yet another Lilly White Upper Class Rich Guy of Harvard. WOW!!!

Then Obama goes on and on and on as usual. I’ll skip the rest. Spare you.

So here is the conventional logic as to why President Obama chose Merrick Brian Garland, the Chief Judge of the DC Federal Appellate Court, and then I will SHRED his “logic” to worthless bits for my Dear Readers.

I will turn to my media partners at The New York Times to explain Obama’s flawed “logic” … I am just going to boar you with the bullet points not all the meaningless detail they offer ..

1) He Could Shift the Court to Be More Liberal

2) He Could Bring Some New Perspective

3) He Is Undeniably Qualified

4) He Is Prepared to Face a Difficult Confirmation

This is all undeniably true and it is Crap too. Of course anyone Obama nominates will meet these conditions in the minds of supporters not for at all for political opponents. This is all subjective since he would be a Fool to nominate someone who even supporters agree is clearly an idiot.

The fact is only #1 matter. And Republicans who control the Senate and the nomination process are NOT going to approve or even hold hearings.

So now let me explain what others won’t – what Obama is really doing and not doing – and it amounts to the latest case of his never ending hypocrisy.

What this nomination could have been and should have been under current conditions in the hands of a sincere and also strategically brilliant Democratic President is the opportunity to nominate someone who would send a powerful MESSAGE to the nation that would have priceless value.

First why Obama instead chose a very typically “outstanding” – in a status quo way -Harvard educated White Guy for his nominee because once again we are back to Obama’s REAL motivation to prove yet again to the Rich Democratic Elites that he can be “trusted” even in his final months and most of all he DESERVES to share in their wealth after January 20, 2017.

Will anyone else in the media or out of it ever suggest this? NEVER!

What would Obama have done if he were a REAL leader and if his REAL goal was not his and Michelle’s After Life and getting very, very rich?
The answer is perfectly obvious even if only I see it.


There have been 112 Supreme Court Judges in U.S. history so far.

How many have been African American?

Just TWO. That is LESS than 1%, and since 99% of African Americans do NOT consider super conservative Clarence Thomas a real Black Supreme Court Judge …. it can be argued the only true African American Supreme Court Judge has been Thurgood Marshall, 1967- 1993.

Needless to say there has NEVER been an African American woman on the Supreme Court and only FOUR women have ever served on the Supreme Court

Obama has NEVER nominated an African American to the Supreme Court.

So you don’t have to be a  Brain Surgeon to realize the obvious and  the very best nominee for this Democratic President right now would have been a qualified African American woman … the ONLY group in American society that has NEVER even been nominated for  the U.S. Supreme Court.

This would have been the correct choice both morally and politically for Democrats!

So what does our African American President do?
He nominates another WHITE Guy to the Supreme Court in which 107 of the 112 Supreme Court Judges in American history have been WHITE guys.


And what is the response of the African American community?

The SILENCE of the Lambs! PATHETIC!

Do you need to wonder why a Clown like Donald Trump might be elected in this kind of Democratic Party Wilderness and with a Feckless President?


About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.


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