News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Aug. 12, 2016: Read all about it right here.
With Obama’s America’s two principal news partners.
This from The Wall Street Journal …
“On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite all rose to new highs on the same day, an alignment that hasn’t occurred since Dec. 31, 1999.”
This from The New York Times Thursday …
“The United States, the wealthiest nation on earth, also abides the deepest poverty of any developed nation, but you would not know it by listening to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.”
What ? Can both be true? Of course they can.
This is President Barack Obama’s America – just like any other President … where the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.
Just like in the good old days here in the good new days with Barack Obama.
Does Obama control the stock markets? NO
Did Obama create poverty? NO
But that’s not the point – it never is here in Obama’s America. It is all about the FAILURE of President Obama to create change when all we get is more of the same and we will with Hillary Clinton.
Do you think while Barack is packing for his Martha’s Vineyard vacation that he would stop for a moment and say to Americans this does not make sense to me and it should not to you. Look what I just read.
How is it possible while the American stock markets today reached height collectively that have not for 16 years not since December 31, 1999, that on the same day we read …
“The United States, the wealthiest nation on earth, also abides the deepest poverty of any developed nation”
Or that President Obama would then characterize it saying what these two stories mean yet again is that the rich are getting richer and the poor stay poor in America more than in any developed nation.
Then go on to say there is one thing I can certainly do as President is say THIS IS WRONG and we must not stand for it.
And here is what I am going to do …
Then tell Hillary Clinton to do the same in her campaign.
FAT CHANCE … you have more chance of winning PowerBall.
Neither of them will because they are big winners in this Status Quo.
Obviously one is President the other will be.
Forget the Republicans – they are not part of this discussion and even far less so with the madman idiot Donald Trump as their candidate.
Obama and Clinton are not going to get away with blaming it on the Republicans here in Obama’s America. This goes far deeper.
The fact is the record stock market highs benefit rich Democrats as much as Rich Republicans and Rich Democrats are the very elite both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are part and parcel of this group. And poor Democrats or Republicans are not part of their group.
Who owns stock in America? Only less than 10% of Americans. It is rich Americans and large institutions that benefit from these record highs and neither has any interest in sharing the wealth with the poor least of all.
It’s THEIR money. It’s THEIR country. So get lost.
Let me repeat that quote from The New York Times again …
“The United States, the wealthiest nation on earth, also abides the deepest poverty of any developed nation”
What has Barack Obama done to change this? NOTHING.
Don’t give me it’s all the Republicans fault.
As I write often while President Obama has been President the wealthiest 1% of Americans have captured 90% of the wealth created in American these last 8 years. Rich Americans are very happy with Barack Obama. Well it is not possible for them to be happy under these circumstances and the rest of us.
Yes I know some rich Americans are not happy with Obama they are the greediest of the greediest and others are just racists. Neither count here.
Let me get back to the New York Times article …
“Mrs. Clinton, who spoke about her economic plans on Thursday near Detroit, is campaigning as an advocate for middle-class families whose fortunes have flagged. She has said much less about helping the millions of Americans who yearn to reach the middle class.”
Again ….. “She has said much less about helping the millions of Americans who yearn to reach the middle class.”
Yes that right President Obama’s candidate for President. Hillary goes on ..
“My primary mission as president will be to create more opportunity and more good jobs with rising wages right here in the United States,” Mrs. Clinton said in accepting the Democratic nomination in Philadelphia last month.”
“But Mr. Desmond, the Harvard sociologist, said that was not enough because the poor faced a wide range of other obstacles to economic stability. His own work has focused on a growing shortage of affordable rental housing. In his recent book, “Evicted,” he showed that evictions are a regular feature of life in lower-income neighborhoods, and that they are not just the result of poverty, but that instability causes poverty.”
Let me keep going with the Times article …
“But Mrs. Clinton did not mention housing in her Philadelphia acceptance speech. Her campaign website highlights 37 issues, but housing is not among them, although the campaign issued some proposals in February.” Whoopee.
“It was pretty shocking not to hear that word, housing, uttered on the main stage” at either party’s convention last month, Mr. Desmond said.
“The silence is particularly striking because the problem is growing. There is not a single state where a full-time worker earning the minimum wage can rent a market-rate one-bedroom apartment for 30 percent or less of their income, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition. And more than 11 million households spend more than half of their income on rent.”
Encore ….
“The silence is particularly striking because the problem is growing. There is not a single state where a full-time worker earning the minimum wage can rent a market-rate one-bedroom apartment for 30 percent or less of their income, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition. And more than 11 million households spend more than half of their income on rent.”
So if we are going to have two Democratic Presidents in a row who are changing nothing of substance. Blame it on the Republicans is their best argument that is it would be even worse under a Republican President as true as that is exactly where is this leading us ….
Exactly no place better at all. That is my point.
Democrats or Republicans in control.
The rich get even richer.
The poor stay poor …
And Hopeless.