News Americas, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Fri. April 17, 2015: Executives of US-based non-profit, Team Jamaica Bickle, are counting down with bated breath to the 121st running of the Penn Relays, set for Franklin Field from April 23-25th in Philadelphia, PA.
This year the group will again have the arduous task of catering to dozens of Caribbean athletes who will make the trek from six Caribbean nations to Ben Franklin Field. With financial resources hard to come by, the TJB group have been busy raising funds through fundraising brunches and appeal to donors and friends of TJB.
To donate to TJB log on to https://teamjamaicabickle.org/?page_id=3365
“It’s a big tent, and an even bigger Caribbean presence, at these relays; the largest track event (outside of the Olympics), that attracts over 22,000 athletes,” said Irwine Clare, head of operations and founder of the organization. “We are happy to see the numbers from the region grow as other countries embrace this platform for their athletes. Team Jamaica Bickle is entering its 19th year at Penn, Jamaica, its 49th. We use the experiences gained to the greatest benefit of the athletes. It is also fitting that this atmosphere of care and camaraderie surround our youth. What better example and promise for the future of the region? We operate outside of the fray of politics and it is the right tone and message for our kids. That feeling of goodwill has to be fostered and preserved.”
This year, athletes will comes from not only Jamaica, but also Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, St. Vincent, Trinidad and the U.S.V.I.
The colleges participating are as follows:
From Puerto Rico
PR / Mayaguez (Mayaguez)
PR / Rio Piedras (Rio Piedras)
Turabo (Turabo)
From The Bahamas
Coll Bahamas (Nassau)
Bethel (Nassau)
Doris Johnson (New Providence)
Queens College (Nassau)
St. Augustine’s (Nassau)
St. John’s (New Providence)
Tabernacle (Freeport)
From Jamaica
G.C. Foster (St. Catherine)
Knox CC (Clarendon)
UTech (Kingston)
UWI Mona (Kingston)
Alpha Academy (Kingston)
Ardenne (Kingston)
Bellefield (Mandeville)
Calabar (Kingston)
Camperdown (Kingston)
Campion (Kingston)
Cornwall College (St. James)
Edwin Allen (Clarendon)
Excelsior (Kingston)
Garvey Maceo (Clarendon)
Greater Portmore (St. Catherine)
Green Island (Hanover)
Herbert Morrison (Montego Bay)
Holmwood Tech
(Christiana) Hydel (St. Catherine)
Immaculate Conception (Kingston)
Jamaica College (Kingston)
Kingston College (East Kingston)
Manchester (Mandeville)
Meadowbrook (Kingston)
Mona (Kingston) Morant Bay (St. Thomas)
Munro College (St. Elizabeth)
Papine (Kingston 6)
Petersfield (Westmoreland)
Rusea (Hanover)
Spalding (Clarendon 42)
St. Andrew Technical (Kingston 13)
St. Catherine (St. Catherine)
St. Elizabeth Tech (Santa Cruz)
St. George’s (Kingston)
St. Hugh’s (Kingston)
St. Jago (St. Catherine)
Vauxhall (Kingston 2)
Vere Technical (Clarendon)
Wolmer’s Boys (Kingston)
Wolmer’s Girls (Kingston)
St. Vincent
From Trinidad
Trinidad & Tobago (San Fernando)
Bishop Anstey (Port of Spain)
El Dorado West (Port of Spain)
Queen’s Royal College (Port of Spain)
St. Augustine (St. Augustine)
St. Benedict’s (San Fernando)
St. Francois Girls (Belmont)
St. Joseph Convent (Port of Spain)
Toco Secondary (Sangre Grands)
From the US Virgin Islands
Charlotte Amalie (Charlotte Amalie)
For tickets to attend this year’s Penn Relays log on to