News Americas, GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Tues. Sept. 22, 2015: Several Guyanese nationals were recently presented with ‘El Dorado Awards’ for their efforts to make a difference and bring about positive change in the South American nation. 

Among the top honorees at The Caribbean Voice (TCV) event were philanthropist, social activist and business woman Ameena Gafoor;  social and empowerment activist, Pandit Suresh Sugrim, head of the New Jersey Arya Samaj Humanitarian Mission;  the African Cultural and Development Association – ACDA – headed by social and cultural activist and empowerment advocate, Eric Phillips; social activist and media personality, WB Reaz;  animal rights advocate and activist, Syeada Manbodh;  indigenous rights advocate and activist, Ashton Simon; children rights activist/advocate and philanthropist, Raheema Rahaman;   versatile singing star, social activist and philanthropist, Terry Gajraj;  the Guyana branch of the international empowerment organization, Food for the Poor;  acclaimed empowerment and social activist, scientist, academic and business person, Dr. Suresh Narine;  Cara Hotel, which has been and continues to be very supportive of NGOs across the board and their activities, as well as various causes;  the Guyana branch of Metro Computer & Office Supplies, owned by New York businessman, Ron Ramnarayan, which has not only been supportive of all sorts of causes and those who advocate for such causes, but which has also itself been giving back to these causes as well as to schools and other institutions; Pandit Deodat Persaud, head of the Canje, Berbice based, Golden Om Dharmic Youth organization, which has been organizing a variety of activities on suicide prevention and related issues as well as focusing on culture, especially music and dance as empowerment tools and TCV Managing Director and Guyana Coordinator, Ms. Bibi Ahamad.

The Caribbean Voice says the El Dorado Awards was launched to  build connections between business and professionals, to help foster unity across various existing divides and emphasize the concept of Guyanese first and foremost and to recognize and honor those who give of their time and efforts and go beyond the scope of their jobs and professions to lend a helping hand and/or work to make society better.


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