MONTREAL and BARBADOS, May 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Irosoft Inc., a worldwide leader in Acts and subsidiary legislation management solutions, in partnership with ESI Technologies Inc., is proud to announce the successful implementation of its LIMS Drafting and Consolidating solutions for the Government of Barbados.

“We are honoured to have been part of the LIMS project in Barbados for many reasons,” said René-Luc Morin. Vice-president and co-founder of Irosoft, Morin was in Bridgetown to complete the assignment and attend the official launch of the system held by the Attorney General and Minister of Home Affairs, the Hon. Adriel D. Brathwaite.

“Barbados can now manage its legislation using the latest and most advanced fully integrated system on the market,” Morin adds. “Our Irosoft LIMS implementation is now in full production in Barbados, and legislative drafters are already seeing the benefits of not having to deal with many repetitive and tedious tasks. Those involved in the consolidation process now have an easy-to-use, semi-automated system that respects the legal principal of ‘point-in-time’.

“Most of all, we have had the privilege of working with high-level professionals who have made our job easier. Supported by a strong project management, headed by Michael Forde of NexLevel Info on the client side and Chantal Lamarre, L.L.B, for Irosoft, we were able to finish the project on time and on budget, as we usually do.”

Project Manager Michael Forde commented: “Our success was due in large measure to the hard work, professionalism, and dedication of the legislative drafters and other staff in the office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel. For this, I commend them. Also contributing to our success, of course, was the expertise of the Irosoft team, their understanding of the legislative processes in our jurisdiction, and the quality of their LIMS product.”

“I see direct benefits to a wide cross-section of users,” said Attorney-General, Hon. Adriel D. Brathwaite, “from the ordinary man on the street to judges to attorneys to ourselves and, of course, to the draftsman themselves. LIMS brings tremendous benefits to them. It assists them not only in terms of research but certainly in terms of updating other laws that may be impacted by a piece of legislation. It is going to make that aspect of their lives that much easier.”

“We have now implemented our LIMS product in three countries in this part of the world,” concludes René-Luc Morin, “and we are looking forward to many more successful implementations in the near future.”

About Irosoft Inc.

Founded in 1995, Irosoft is a world leader in Document/Record Management and Legal Information Management. As a specialist in integrated content management, Irosoft offers innovative and easy-to-use solutions so that clients can simply and efficiently develop, organize, exploit and preserve their information capital. To date, more than 100 national and international organizations — government departments and agencies, municipalities, as well as private companies — have come to Irosoft to carry out large-scale content management projects.

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