By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. April 26, 2013: Don’t count on it. Certainly don’t bet on it.

In fact bet against it and make some easy money!


That is why you are here each week. To find out…..

The Truth about our un-President Barack Obama.

Yes time to turn to The NY Times again. Read this …

“With the cost of some lifesaving cancer drugs exceeding $100,000 a year, more than 100 influential cancer specialists from around the world have taken the unusual step of banding together in hopes of persuading some leading pharmaceutical companies to bring prices down.”

From an article in Thursday’s edition titled “DOCTORS DENOUNCE CANCER DRUG PRICES OF $100,000 A YEAR.” God bless America where you can get some of the best medical treatment on Earth although that is not necessarily true. Only IF you can afford it.

So what did these doctors do? More than 100 specialists from 15 countries signed on to an article to denounce the greed of pharmaceutical companies and others to increase their profits as much as possible an leaving those who can’t afford the price to suffer and die.

Are you waiting for Barack Obama to sign on?? What planet are you on?

Is this the same Barack Obama who conned us into ObamaCare that forces Americans to buy expensive medical insurance from other profit hungry companies and in return does nothing to keep medical insurance costs from soaring ever higher?

Is this the more passionate Barack Obama who if he uses tax dollars to pay these thieving pharmaceutical companies to provide these do or die dugs at astronomical prices to everyone under ObamaCare will bankrupt the entire nation as the Super Rich get richer?

Is this the Barack Obama who LIED to us in his first campaign to get elected President that he would always demand a PUBLIC option in any insurance legislation he would sign. Is this the Barack Obama who allowed the medical industry to demand the ObamaCare would not allow the govt’ to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies as part of ObamaCare or is this the Barack Obama who gave into demands it would remain illegal for Americans to buy cheaper prescription drugs from Canada?

These are all the faces of our leadership “challenged” President who knows how to grovel to power as well as any of his bought & paid for predecessors in The White House.

Let’s get back to this NY Times article …

“The doctors and researchers, who specialize in the potentially deadly blood cancer known as chronic myeloid leukemia, contend in a commentary published online by a medical journal Thursday that the prices of drugs used to treat that disease are astronomical, unsustainable and perhaps even immoral.

“While noting that the cost of drugs for many other cancers were just as high, the doctors focused on what they know best — the medicines for chronic myeloid leukemia, like Gleevec, which is enormously profitable for Novartis. Among the critics is Dr. Brian Druker, who was the main academic developer of Gleevec and had to prod Novartis to bring it to market.”

According to these doctors, one giant drug company, Novartis, is making $3 BILLION year in profits on sales of $4.7 BILLION on just one drug Gleevec. That means almost half of the price they are charging is nothing but pure profit! And that means accepting their cost figures which are usually a sham and includes such “costs” as exotic trips for doctors to “learn” about the drug, sponsoring golf tournaments, etc. etc.

Sorry … forgot to mention Novartis out of the pure goodness of its corporate heart provides the drug free to few desperate dying from this disease who beg better than others. Here is a better idea prosecute the CEOs of companies like Novartis and put them in jail.

How about this from the NY Times article today …

“Prices for the drugs are twice as high in the United States as in many other countries, which often apply some government pressure or price controls to keep drug costs down.”

That deserves an encore …

“Prices for the drugs are twice as high in the United States as in many other countries, which often apply some government pressure or price controls to keep drug costs down.”

Thank you yet again President Obama for … nothing!

But his rich friends are happy. That is what counts.

Many of them own big blocks of stock in these rich pharmaceutical companies and do very well thank you President Obama. Even more none of his rich friends have to worry about how expensive any of these drugs are if they need them. Most of them have gold plated insurance plans from their own companies paid for by their companies and all of those expenses are completely tax deductible for the company and their executives to make them even sweeter. Not that it matters they can all pay for these drugs out of their own pockets and they wouldn’t even notice these “petty” costs. President Obama and his family don’t need to care at all they get the best of any medical care anywhere for free.

Here is how the Times article ends …

Dr. Kantarjian, the lead author of the criticism of the pharmaceutical companies immoral pricing, said … “I am sure I am going to be blackballed,” he said. “My research career will be hurt.” But he said it was time to speak out. “Pharmaceutical companies have lost their moral sense,” he said. Prices, he added, “are getting to the point where it is becoming unsustainable.”

God bless all of us the victims because no one else will.

Certainly not President Obama! He is a very big part of the problem.

Let’s pray history brands Obama one of the worst U.S. Presidents.

Because he is and Obama “richly” (sic) deserves that fate.

What the rest of us need and deserve is a single payer health care system, and a medical industry fully controlled by a government that works for all of us. Not the rich few.

About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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