News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Oct. 11, 2013: The tough realities of inter-Caribbean tourism include the hassles of intra-regional travel that has left many Caribbean nationals and foreign tourists travelling within the region frustrated and stressed.

And it’s a topic of interest to the officials of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, who have made the issue an agenda item at their annual State of the Industry Conference in Martinique next week.

The SOTIC, presented by the CTO in collaboration with the Martinique Tourism Authority and set for October 15-18 at the Madiana Convention Centre in the Isle of Flowers, Martinique, will see Gary Foss, CEO of Seaborne Airlines; Albert Kluyver, CEO of Insel Air; Serge Tsygalnitzky, general director of Air Antilles Express and a LIAT representative, take on the issue of “The Realities of Intra-Caribbean Tourism and Who Gets It.”

The panel is set for Tuesday, October 17th and will be moderated by Ambassador Brian Challenger, chair of the Caribbean Aviation Task Force and will include Jean Yves Lacascade, deputy director for European Affairs and Cooperation of the Region of Martinique.
The CTO State of the Industry Conference is the CTO’s annual convocation, where Caribbean tourism practitioners, policy makers and strategic partners, at the highest levels, gather to discuss issues, identify solutions and generally develop courses of action that will benefit the tourism industry in the Caribbean.

Other topics on the agenda include focus on visitor experience and technology and social media promotion. The full agenda is at

For more information on SOTIC, including how you can be part of this historic event, visit

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