News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Thurs. Jan. 2, 2014: It is ironic but not unexpected that new, New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio, is being attacked by some for the tone of the Inaugural.
In a “campaign” obviously orchestrated by very well paid Bloomberg operatives under instructions from him, De Blasio is being pummeled by some because all of the speakers at City Hall Wednesday did not praise Michael Bloomberg but told the truth about this divisive former Mayor who often displayed his obvious contempt for New Yorkers who were not in his “class” otherwise known as the “serfs” of New York City – those who toil in fields for the aristocrat who ruled over them from City Hall and his palatial East Side mansion.
Bloomberg is lucky there was not more Truth spoken on Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014.
Speakers should have declared we must never again allow some multi-billionaire to buy the office of Mayor as Michael Bloomberg did three times. The third time by going so far as to buy a change in the City Charter so he could indulge himself with a third term rather than adhere to the two term limit everyone else has to live with.
No one should ever forget that Michael Bloomberg spent more per vote in his three election campaigns for mayor than any individual in the history of the United States has ever spent to win any office. He bought votes. And that only includes the money attributed to his campaigns. Not the other hundreds of millions his “foundation” gave to so many New York based groups to “buy” their support. Which in a normal society would have had Bloomberg prosecuted for campaign fraud.

The fact is we need elected officials in New York City and across the nation constantly talking about “a tale of two cities” and “a tale of two nations.” To an extend it has always been that way but in American history there was always a sense of aspiration that it was different here and that we would not descend into one of those nations in which there was a clear elite with all the money and power and the other 90% who increasingly believe they will always have only limited possibilities.
America more than any other nations holds itself up as better and the model or everyone else. Well that model is worthless if America becomes widely seen as the “tale of two societies.”
Many studies have concluded income inequality in the United States is higher right now than it has ever been in our entire history. And the rich keep demanding even more.
Where do you think that leads us and leaves us if this trend becomes even more pronounced?. What we know about malfunctioning, undemocratic nations such as China is that they are all clearly ruled by a wealthy powerful elite and if you complain you disappear. What happens when America crosses that line?. It probably won’t be attractive for anyone.
So keep speaking out Mayor de Blasio about our “tale of two cities” and inspire politicians every everywhere to do so. The inaugural program is just what we needed to hear and too bad if one of the richest individuals on Earth who is disappointed to no longer be Mayor of New York City didn’t like it.
See more pics from NAN’s Hayden Roger Celestin at the de Blasio inauguration here:
About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.