The late great Bob Marley.
The late great Bob Marley.

News Americas, HOUSTON, TX, Thurs. Feb. 6, 2014:  Members of the Houston, Texas Caribbean-American and immigrant community today celebrated the Proclamation of February 6th as Bob Marley Day in Texas.

The proclamation was issued by Texas State Senator Rodney Ellis in response to a community request to honor the late international musical icon and Member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

“This is a great achievement to the community here in the state”, said Jerry Castro-Cayetano who headed the request.

The news about the proclamation sparked an online showcase of pride on Facebook.

“February 6, 2013 official Bob Marley Day,” said Chris Walters, head of the local Caribbean entity, Soul Rebel.

“Wow, I am too proud of my Caribbean Community,” posted Lystra Augustine of “Big Tings”.

In 2012-2013, the idea had surfaced to dedicate a street to Marley.

However, with heavy community opposition, Castro-Cayetano changed the course to start educating the public about the contributions of Marley to society in social and economic justice.

“Our community is one of the fastest growing in Texas and across the United States,” continued Castro-Cayetano, who is also a Program Board Member of Washington DC’s Institute of Caribbean Studies, the entity that created advocated for June to be celebrated as National Caribbean Heritage Month.

“This is not only a celebration but an important step to bring all of our communities together,” said Andrea Jean-Baptiste, a member of Houston’s Caribbean Leadership Round Table. “Positive efforts like this only heightens our community and its pride.”

A formal reception is being organized by Jean-Baptiste where community leaders and in general could attend and learn more about the proclamation and the organizations of Houston’s Caribbean social, cultural and economic development.

The city of Toronto also honored Bob Marley with Mayor Rob Ford declaring Feb. 6 Bob Marley Day.

The Jamaican singer, who was born in 1945, died in 1981 at age 36. He would have been 69 Thursday.

It’s perhaps no surprise that Ford is a Marley fan. The mayor was seen in a video posted in December dancing to the song ‘One Love’ during a council session.





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