News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Thurs. Feb. 24, 2022: A Florida judge has ruled that a Caribbean company suing over a COVID-19 swindle may refile its motion for final default judgment against at least two of the defendants, News Americas has found.

Judge Aileen M. Cannon made the ruling on Feb. 17th after denying an order without prejudice filed by Radical Investments’ attorneys for final default judgment against defendants Moniladai D. Coley and Prestige Pegasus, LLC.

The judge ruled that Radical Investment’s motion may, however, be refiled against the pair for final default judgment after its claims against the other defendants listed in the lawsuit have been resolved.

Radical, a St. Lucia-based, Barbados company owned by Mark Maloney, is suing several US companies over a loss of millions and the non-fulfilment of an order for COVID-19 vaccines.

The lawsuit was filed last September against Good Vibrations Entertainment LLC, the only Florida registered limited liability company as well as Charles Z. Stein, ESQ., a/k/a Charlie Stein; Davidovich Stein Law Group, LLP, a California limited liability Partnership and RDS Cargo Group DWC LLC, a United Arab Emirates limited liability company and Alex Lee Moore, Jr., A/K/A Alex Moore, A/K/A Flex Moore of Prestige Pegasus LLC, a Colorado limited liability company as well as Coley.

The judge on Feb. 2nd, found Coley and Prestige Pegasus, LLC have failed to respond to the complaint or otherwise appear in the action. She ruled then that the plaintiff, Radical, should file a motion for default final judgment by Feb. 16th.

They did. But on Feb. 17th, the judge denied the final order that would have allowed the plaintiff to take the defendants property or money, and/or obtain other relief against the defendants.

Judge Cannon ruled that Radical’s motion “did not seek final default judgment as to Count III, a civil conspiracy claim brought against all defendants.”

As such Radical must now wait to refile the motion until after its claims against the other defendants listed in the lawsuit have been resolved.

Radical Investments says the companies its suing failed to deliver on an order for the jabs, costing them millions of dollars in out-of-pocket loss.

Meanwhile, Good Vibrations Entertainment LLC has filed a counter suite against Radical Investments, which the Caribbean company now has to also respond to a Stein Law Group, LLP motion to quash service of summons and dismiss the complaint over lack of personal jurisdiction. In its motion, Stein claims Radical repeats vague allegations, without supporting. evidence.

RELATED: Caribbean Company In COVID-19 Vaccine Swindle Suit Gets Extension On Citizenship Request

Florida Judge Orders St. Lucia Company In COVID-19 Vaccine Suit To Present Citizenship Of Defendants

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