News Americas, GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Fri. April 1, 2011: Guyana’s main opposition party, the People National Congress Reform, is calling for a comprehensive, independent, judicial inquiry into all aspects of narcotics-trafficking in the South American country.

The PNCR’s call comes on the heels of the discovery in Jamaica of over 122 kg of cocaine in a container of timber from Guyana on the MV Vega Azurit on March 12th.

Party officials said Thursday that the indecent is only the most recent in a series of discoveries of shipments of illegal narcotics from Guyana over the past decade and insisted that an independent investigation is needed now or the criminal cartel behind such crimes will remain undetected and unpunished.

“It is evident that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration is unable and unwilling to counter narcotics-trafficking despite the harm being done to our people,” the PNCR said in a statement Thursday. “The exposure of the PPP involvement with drug lords during the recent Roger Khan and Robert Simels’ trials in a New York Court and their refusal to hold an inquiry into the execution of hundreds of Guyanese Youth, however, make it doubtful whether the PPP/C Administration would ever permit such an investigation. The solution must, therefore, be in the hands of Guyanese who must determine in this election year whether they want a Government of Drug Lord collaborators or a Government of National Unity that is committed to restoring a safe and secure Guyana.”

The latest United States Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs’ International Narcotics Control Strategy Report has again reiterated that “Guyana is a trans-shipment point for cocaine from Colombia and Venezuela destined for North America, Europe, and the Caribbean.”

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