News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Mon. Aug. 10, 2020: There are now over 5 million cases of coronavirus in Latin America, a News Americas tally has found.

As of Sunday night, Brazil continues to lead the region as it reached a new milestone with 3,035,422 cases of the virus since the pandemic began.

The Latin American giant reported another 23,010 new cases of the virus and 572 deaths from the disease in the past 24 hours, the health ministry said on Sunday to surpass the 3 million mark and continue to take the spot as the world’s second worst place for the virus after the United States.

Peru with 478,024 cases has the second most cases in Latin America with 21,072 deaths. Mexico has the third highest with 475,902 cases and passed a milestone of over 52,000 deaths Sunday as it added another 695. This now places Mexico as the third highest nation for the most coronavirus death tally globally, right behind the United States and Brazil.

Officials in Mexico have said the real number of infected people is likely significantly higher than the confirmed cases

Colombia has the fourth highest cases in the region with 387,481 cases and over 12,842 deaths while Chile is at number five with 373,056 cases and 10,077 deaths.

The total number of deaths so far in Latin America has passed 215,000 so far, News Americas has found.

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