News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 13, 2020: Here are the top stories making Caribbean travel news for Nov. 13, 2020:

The first Caribbean cruise to resume sailing since the start of the pandemic has had been cut short because 5 passengers have now tested positive test for Covid-19. The SeaDream Yacht Club’s SeaDream 1 Is Now Quarantined Off Barbados.

The US is urging Americans to Reconsider travel to the British Virgin Islands, due to health and safety measures and COVID-related conditions there. Interestingly, the island has no active COVId-19 cases currently.

JetBlue is teaming up with Vault, a COVID-19 rapid-testing laboratory, to allow seamless travel to Aruba. The Caribbean nation will be allowing passengers to take Vault’s at-home rapid saliva test prior to traveling there.

American Airlines will begin offering pre-flight, at-home Covid-19 testing for customers flying to Belize, Grenada and St. Lucia on Nov. 16.

Virgin Atlantic will maintain its twice weekly passenger flights to Antigua and Barbuda, through November 21st, with a weekly Sunday service thereafter until the end of the UK’s national lockdown.

Cuba’s Havana airport will re-open to regular commercial flights on Sunday after being closed for seven and a half months due to the coronavirus pandemic.

And The BVI, Montserrat, Anguilla and St. Kitts & Nevis Are the only countries in the Caribbean currently with no active COVID-19 cases.