News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. April 6, 2018: A truly authentic Jamaican dish is bammy or bami. It is essentially a cassava flatbread descended from the simple flatbread eaten by the Arawaks, Jamaica’s original inhabitants. Today, it is produced in many rural communities and sold in stores and by street vendors in Jamaica and abroad. Bammies have been consumed since pre-Columbian times. Here is a recipe from Grace Foods.

Preparation time 50m
Cooking time 10m
For 1 Person(s)


2 pound(s) cassava or Yuca
1 teaspoon(s) salt

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  • Peel and grate cassava. Place it in a muslin cloth, wring out and discard the juice.
  • Add salt to the cassava flour and mix together.
  • Heat bammy griddle or fry pan over moderate heat. Place about 1 cup of the mixture in a bammy ring on the heated griddle, if not, place on a greased shallow baking or fry pan. Press down on the mixture to flatten. A regular bammy should be at least (6″) or 15 cm in diameter, or made according to desired size.
  • When the edges shrinks slightly from the side of the pan, turn over and cook the other side. Each bammy should cook in 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the process until all the bammies are made. Bammies may be stored in a cool dry place or freeze until needed.

Note: When bammies are ready to be used, soak them in milk or water for about 10 minutes. Bammies may be fried or baked and served with your favourite protein.

Muslin Cloth: Fine delicately woven cotton fabric. USA, LLC

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